Cimato's Style Guide
Please ensure that all drafts of your written work adhere to the following basic expectations.
- For typed manuscripts please use 12 point “friendly fonts” only. Friendly fonts include: Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, Century Gothic (my personal favorite), Courier New and Microsoft Sans Serif.
- Please spare my aging eyes and do NOT select/print in any color other than black and do not employ wiggly and “unfriendly fonts” such as Brush Script, Mistral, Curlz, or the like.
- Double space. Not 1.5 space. Not 1.75 space. Double Space.
- Standard margins all around.
- Pagination with your last name on the lower right hand corner of each page. (For example “Cimato 1”)
- Please follow standard MLA guidelines for citations and include a bibliography when appropriate to the assignment.
- Your name, my name, the project title and the date it is turned in should precede your work on a the first page which under no circumstances should be a whole EXTRA sheet of paper. Save a tree. Please note the date it is turned in may not be the due date. Be honest.
- If you are handing in a second or third draft of something please CLIP, NOT STAPLE previous drafts in a neat little bundle with the newest draft on the top.
- Also, if you begin an assignment more than ¼ of the way down the first page, I will consider it a short cut. Not good.
- All Final Drafts of papers must be submitted to me and to Details will be provided as necessary.