Béla Kirjak Jemimah Nabugasha Kendra Burford Jesse Edlitz Zikra Zuhuree Carmel Shelef Bea Herbst Ethan Zimmerman Narvi Braithwaite Jemima Ntumba Henry Marino Alice Rosenberg Carolyn White Asher Cohen Milo Sweet Jesús Batista Perez Kat Cottle Sarah Cohen Kim Suarez-Villao Gabriel Patricio-Hughes Spencer Pennacchia Jazlyn Robinson Karina Kumar Eve van der Bruelle Emmie Dawg Cimato
Production Staff and Crew
Stage Direction and Design Swings & Choreography Technical Director Assistant Director Composer/ Asst. Director Asst. to the Choreographer Lighting Designer Production Designer Production Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Production Assistant Costume Coordinator Properties Manager Properties Team Make Up Manager Make Up Staff Box Office/ Front of House Publicity & Program
Jo Ann Cimato ** Krista Jansen Dave Brune Hayley Arleny Morales Solar Orange Jemimah Nabagasha Keithlyn Parkman * Olivia Maeve Grant Ane Hayes Enmanuel Almonte Jadelyn Taverez Alix Caceres Sophie Miretsky Eleanor Bolas